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Title page from 1580 Book of Concord Welcome to the Book of Concord's home on the Internet.

If you are unfamiliar with the Book of Concord, please consult the helpful explanations available in the left hand column under the "Introductions" section; otherwi se, the texts of the Lutheran Confessions are listed under the heading "The Lutheran Confessions." Under the Introduction section, you will also find a thorough histor ical introduction to the Book of Concord. Additional supplemental materials, providing historical context and other information, are available under the "Sources and C ontext" section in the left hand column. Beneath that, you will find additional resources, including a blog site devoted to a discussion of the Lutheran Confessions, a nd various reading schedules. And finally, at the bottom of the column, you will find information about how you may purchase a copy of the Book of Concord, in several printed editions, as well as a digital edition.

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The image shown on this page is the title page of the first edition of the Book of Concord, printed in Dresden, Germany in 1580. English translation of the page: CO NCORDIA. YHWH. Christian repeated unanimous confession of later-named Electors, Princes, and Estates of the Augsburg Confession, and of their theologians' doctrine and faith. In addition, there has been added a thorough explanation of certain articles, well-founded in God's Word as the only rule, which after Dr. Martin Luther's bles sed death were the subject of controversy. Set forth by the joint resolution and order of said Electors, Princes, and Estates for the instruction and admonition of the ir lands, churches, schools and posterity. With the privilege of His Electoral Grace of Saxony. Dresden, 1580.

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